This site will definitely benefit you in learning programming, repairing phones, computers and many (supports Arabic)

The internet is a school contrary to what a group of the Brotherhood believes is that the Internet is an infinite sea and most of its results are in a negative direction. Through this network you can learn a range of things and in a variety of areas to develop from your level without having to leave the house. From your computer only!

In this topic on the professional blog I will share you an unusual site explicitly includes a set of useful and practical sections through which you can learn online and free, as the site 4programmer is working to collect the largest number of lessons on YouTube and in various languages, including language Arabic course.

Among the important sections are programming and network management, lessons and videos to teach how to repair phones or computers and many more .. After Logk to the site and the best way to find what you would like to advise you to click courses at the top of the page and then show all categories then you can know All sections and then choose what you want to learn in Sharia .. Congratulations to all.


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